Saturday, January 7, 2023

Working Four Days a Week


I don't make New Year's resolutions. If I want to improve or change something in my life I don't wait for the new year and make some public declaration. I just do it. There are always ways to make life better. This year I decided to cut back my hours at work. I'm not ready to retire but would like more time to relax and enjoy my hobbies. 

It's going to be nice to have the extra day off. It will allow me to get more riding in and let me spend more time outdoors. Most people working four days either take Monday or Friday off but I decided to take Wednesday's off. This way I work two days get a day off and then work two days and get the weekend off. 

During the Christmas break I had the week off. It was a little cold at the start of the week so I did a hike on Monday, the LHT on Wednesday with the pose and another ride on Friday with the pose out of MCP. It was a good break after a long year. 

This Wednesday it felt a little weird going out for a ride instead being at work but it was 60 degrees so I'm glad I had the day off. Its going to be a little bit of adjustment getting use to the mid week break but I think it is a good way to kept a steady income while improving my work life balance.

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