Monday, January 16, 2023

Hiking Instead Biking

It's harder in the winter months to get out on the bike because of the colder weather and the possibilities of ice and snow. That is why I will sometimes choose to do a hike instead of taking out the bike. This winter I will probably do a little more hiking than previous years. This is because one of the people that we have become friends with in our community has a monthly hike and also because there are some good close places to hike where I live now.

Turkey Swamp and Manasquan Reservoir are a quick 10min drive away and during the winter I can hike the local golf course. Before I moved I didn't really walk around the neighborhood a lot but because where I live now is quieter I usually walk a couple time a week. I don't plan to reduce my biking but just want to supplement it with some other exercise. I'm finding that I enjoy a walk after work to help me unwind from a hectic day.

So far this winter I have hiked Turkey Swamp and Brendan Byrne state park. The hike through Brendan Byrne was over 10 miles and the longest hike I have done in a long time. I was stiff at the end but didn't have any blisters or other problems that would prevent me from doing this long a hike again. After the hike one of the people that was with us wanted to stop at the high point of Ocean county as it was on our way home even though it required about half a mile hike to get to. Apparently these people like to visit high points as one of their last hikes hit the high point of Morris county. I guess whether you hike or bike high pointing is a thing you do. 

This past Saturday was going to be cold and windy so I decided to invite the posse over to hike the golf course instead of a bike ride. It is usually hard to get the entire posse to attend any event but I guess I picked a good day because most of them and their spouses took me up on the offer. 

We did this hike around all 18 holes of the golf course. According to my GPS it was 4.4 miles but I've done this hike a few other times where it said it was 5.1 miles so I think the GPS shut off for part of the hike it set for bike mode. During the hike I felt a little like a real estate agent as I was explaining the different type of houses and explaining why this is a good place to live. We also when through the club house a couple of times and I showed them all the amenities we have here. 

It was a good hike as much for the exercise as it was just hanging out and talking to everyone especially some of the spouses who I don't see that often. After the hike we had some snacks and pizza out my house. Usually after a bike ride we all go our separate ways so it was good to have some social time the group. I don't plan to become an avid hiker but it is a good change of pace during the winter months.

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