Friday, December 23, 2022

My Christmas Card

I don't send out Christmas Cards but if I did I would send out one with this picture. I was off this past Tuesday and it was too cold to be on the road so I road the path from Allaire down to the beach in Manasquan. It's my go to ride when I just want quick a 15-20 mile ride in cold weather. The best part of the ride is riding the paved path along the beach as there is always something to see. This time I saw a Christmas tree in the sand on the beach. According to the locals Santa comes during the week before Christmas and puts the tree up then all the local add decorations to it and painted sea shell underneath it. 

When my wife goes to the beach she takes a picture of her bare feet looking out over the sand towards the water and then sends it to her friends to let them know she is on the beach. So when I saw the Christmas tree on the beach I knew I wanted to take a similar picture and send it to her. 

Of course it was 30 degrees so my feet are covered by my booties but you get the general idea. Sitting on the beach when its 30 degrees looking at a Christmas tree is wrong in a lot of ways which is what makes it a good picture. 

I hope to get a couple of more rides before the end of the year as I'm off of work. And if I'm lucky hopefully see some more interesting sights. This will be my last post before Christmas so I wanted to wish everybody a happy holiday season and hope to see you on you on a ride soon. 

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