Saturday, September 14, 2019

An Entertaineing Ride

After doing hilly rides for the past two weeks it was time to do something flatter. I didn't feel like going to the pinelands or toward the shore so decided to just head south of New Egypt. The ride started from MCP so it was close enough to ride in. I was joined by Jim, Martin, Ken, Laurie and Laura. This was planned as a low key ride on familiar roads.

We headed out across Rt 130 and towards the Assinpink where we meet a pack of hound dogs walking down road presumably heading out to a fox hunt?  It was then on to Rue Rd and past some donkeys and alpacas. The last set of animals we saw was a herd of long horn steers south of New Egypt. It was more wild life than we normally see.

It did however smell really bad by the long horns.

We stopped at Charleston Coffee at the intersection of 528 and 539 and a preferred stop when we are in this area. They have good coffee and a decent selection of baked goods to eat and if don't like the selection there a bagel shop next store. Today there was even a guitar player singing at the shop so we had entertainment while we ate.

A couple months ago when Laura lead a ride in this area she tried to get from the top of Hawkins Rd to Charleston Coffee but ran into some dirt roads. Today I decided to try to see if I could find a way to do it. I look at google maps and checked out the satellite image and found a way to zig zag through some developments to get through. I wasn't 100% we won't run into some dirt but wanted to give it a try. Not only did we not run into any dirt roads but it actually turned out to kinda scenic.

It was then back to more familiar roads for the last 15 miles back. The only hitch on the way back was that Laura got her chain jammed in her front chain ring. Her front derailleur had not been working since just after the beginning of the ride. Then she thought it working and tried to shift only to have it jam.

It took a few minutes to release the jam and then we road the last few miles back.

Although this was suppose to be an easy boring ride it ended up being more interesting and entertaining than expected.     

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