Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hay Cow

It is now officially fall and the days are starting to get shorter and a colder. Soon we will be riding in arm warmers and jackets. Today however was closer to a summer day. Laura had listed a ride to Oldwick which is one of the few places we haven't gone this year. Bob, Ricky, Jim and Blake also showed up for the ride.

Laura had not posed the route but I had a general idea where we were going. Laura had said she was going to be stopping for pictures during this ride and it didn't take long to get to the first picture stop. One of the farms had taken some hay bails and painted them like pigs and cows.

We also made a quick stop at Solsberg airport although we didn't see any airplanes taking off.

We eventually made our way to Rockaway Rd and one of my favorite climbs. We are still a few weeks from peak color so most of the trees are still green even though some leaves are already falling because it has been so dry from lack of rain. From the top of Rockaway we work our way over to Fox Hill and a fun downhill with a good view of the valley that we always stop for.

Its was a little hazy be we could still see over to the next ridge.

Our rest stop today was the Oldwick general store which was not as crowded as it usually is. In fact we were to only bikers there for once.

By the time we left to head back it was actually feeling more summer like. We cruised through a lot of scenic rural back roads and saw a lot of deer lurking along the roads. It almost felt like they were following us. 

We ended up with just over 51 miles. Even though we had done some climbing it was a very relaxed and enjoyable ride. It was one of the better routes we did this year and one we should do more often.

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