Sunday, September 8, 2019

Lying Bastard 2019

I'm not sure why I do my lying bastard ride each year as it always leads to my posse abusing my character (not that they don't do that on my other rides). This ride annoys them and they complain more about this ride than the other hilly rides I do even though on paper its not the hardest ride I do.

This year I did not get much of a turnout for the ride. In fact I thought it was going to be the lonely bastard ride as nobody signed up for the ride until late Friday. It ended up just being me, Jack and Pete who just got back from his vacation up state. Laura, the traitor that she is, decided to do Neils longer but flatter ride.

It was a perfect day for a ride. It was just 60 degrees when we started but sunny enough not to need arm warmers. We crossed the bridge into PA and had a couple of miles on river road before the climbing started. Its a six mile climb to get to the top the ridge. It a gentle climb with a few steep bumps here and there but actually a relatively easy climb as shown HERE in the route we did.

Once we got to the ridge we ended up on some traffic free roads with good views of the valley below. For some reason on the PA side the roads on the ridge are more lumpy and bumpy than on the NJ side. I think that one of the things that makes this ride seem harder. Even when you are cruising along the ridge there are a lot of short 5-6% climbs so you can't really relax.

There is not a lot of civilization by Lake Nockamixion so its hard to find a place to take a break. We usually stop in Perkasie and then again at a Turkey Hill on 412. Since Jack and Pete don't mind doing a break later in the ride we skipped going into Perkasie.

Although the route I do for this ride is mostly the same I do tweak it a little every year. This year I changed it so we won't have to cross Rt 313 which is hard to do since it always has a lot of traffic. This actually meant going down by the lake on the south west side which I haven't been before. There is a boat launch on that side where we stopped for a look at the lake.

From there we followed the usual route around the back roads on the north side of the lake. This area is a little strange as it has some "healing centers" and a Greek temple. It was more quiet roads with just enough hills to make us keep working. There were also a few roads that were rocked like last week.

Eventually we made our way to the stop at the Turkey Hill and then headed back to the start which is mostly downhill. I got a flat just after the break when I ran over some sharp rocks in the road.

The last feature of this ride is the descent down what I call the Red Circle of Death (Red Cliff Rd). Its a road that starts off really steep and so the first few hundred feet can be a little dangerous if you aren't careful. What made this even harder this year was that after seeing no cars on the roads we were riding there were two cars at the top of this hill that we had to get around as it started. We managed to make it all down safely and then cruised along the river back to Frenchtown.

The ride ended up being about 2900 ft of climbing and didn't feel as hard as it normally did. Maybe that is because of the weather or because for some reason I didn't get abused as much on this ride as previous years. We'll see what happens next year. 


  1. First it's Neil not Niel, Laura's not a traitor and at least Laura wasn't impinging on your character (but I will ;-) ). Besides it's nice to visit the South Jersey mountains every once in a while and she got in a century. But don't worry I'll have a nice century (a modified Pumpkin Patch Pedal) in October if you want to do a Century.

    I'd join your rides but I'm a Flatlander and we're slower than Hill Slugs.

    PS: I have to wonder about the 18% grade on Red Cliff. That might make riders complain.

  2. Thanks for reading the blog Neil. I don't get many readers let along comments. Sorry about the misspelled name. I have corrected that. As far as calling Laura a traitor it was meant as an inside joke based on an email she sent me. Laura is one of my favorite people to ride with so I would not impinge on her character but trading insults is part or our dynamic.

    I like to do both hilly and flatter rides and usually try to do one or two flat rides a month. I will probably list either a pineland cruise or Sandy Hook ride in the new few weeks.

    One of the reasons I climb hills is because I like the downhill part. Although I call Red Cliff road the Red Circle of Death its not really that dangerous. The steep part is very short and straight and rest is a long gentle downhill that is a good way to end a ride.

  3. Love reading the blogs, can't figure out how to take pictures of interesting things. I did manage to take a picture of my bike wrapped around a flower pot (it wasn't wrapped outside the picture though).

    Don't worry, I'm not very serious about anything. I had a road wreck (cracked a carbon frame, ribs, sternum, phone and helmet). I discovered how to put my nose in my belly button (don't try this at home) I rode home with several cracked ribs and was laughing and crying the last 13 miles. Mark Heck sent a txt to my wife suggesting a game of twister, she considered it.

    Yes, completely understand about the downhill part. I've hit 60mph in Hunterdon, 48mph on the S turns of the Highlands scenic route (love that part). I love going fast, had to stop drafting on trucks though. Mark says I have less to live for since I'm married. I remind him that if I get killed my wife will blame him. Yes Mark and I ride together a lot.

    On Laura, pretty sure she wouldn't be offended by what you said and she can defend herself with no issues. Just couldn't resist the poke.

    Someday I might come out on one of your rides but I'm a Flatlander (slower than a Hill Slug on the way up). But I am a South Jersey Mountain climber (need to get a Jersey with that). :-) I do recommend getting out of the way on the downhill. My camelbak is good downhill equipment.

    BTW do these coffee place also have hot tea? Love the smell of coffee, can't stand the taste. If not I can bring my own.

    PS: not sure what impinge means but it sounded like a good place to use it. ;-)
