Sunday, March 3, 2019

Riding the Road in the Cold

I don't have a lot to say about my rides over the past couple weeks. It was just warm enough, for me, to ride on the road last Saturday and this Sunday. Last Saturday I did a one way ride to Avon and met my wife there for lunch. It was a barely 40 degree cloudy day with a light head wind from the east. The head wind made the ride a little harder. Still it was good to be on the road after a few weeks on the mountain bike. The beach was mostly empty so I didn't have to deal with any traffic.

This weekend Laura had a ride scheduled for Saturday out of MCP but the overnight rain/snow left the roads wet with possible icy spots so the ride was moved to Sunday where I actually ended up leading the ride. We had a large crowd for another 40 degree cloudy day. There was no wind on Sunday so it actually felt a little warmer than last week. Once I got a few miles on the road I didn't feel cold at all. I road in from home and met everybody at the park.

I lead a 41 mile loop through Allentown and Cream Ridge to our stop at Roy's. From there it was another 15 miles back to the park. I cut off for home just before the park. Because I road in from home I ended up with 47 miles which isn't bad for a winter ride.

There is just about a month left in winter so I hope I can grind out some more winter road rides until the weather gets warmer and I don't have to worry about being cold anymore.

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