Sunday, February 17, 2019

Mushy Backwards LHT Ride

Saturday was one of those days where it was just a little too cold for me to ride on the road and because of the rain and snow during the week it would have been a muddy canal ride. It was hovering around 37 degrees when we started the LHT ride. The LHT trail is 60% paved and the rest of the trail is well maintained packed gravel. It turned out to be a little mushier than I thought it would be but at the same time it was kinda fun.

I was joined by Jack and Ricky. The rest of the posse was otherwise busy. I decided to do the reverse of my usual route and headed counter clockwise around the trail. This seemed harder than my normal way as it was mostly uphill to the ETS center. At the ETS center we took the usual short cut through the overgrown path to Proviceline Rd. This path had more water and mud than usual and we had to walk around a couple of large puddles and fallen trees.

I skipped the part of the trail around the equestrian center as that is a muddy mess on a good day. The path around Rosedale lake was solid but had parts covered with shallow puddles that made for some slow going and messy riding. My tights were already covered with multiple colors of dirt.

The part around the pole farm was a little more solid and it was actually fun going down the hill by the pole farm instead of up it.

The rest of the way back was on mostly paved paths. By the time we got back to the parking lot my tights looked like a Jackson Pollack painting. It was warm enough that I didn't mind a little water and mud but I will be happy when it will be warm enough to get back on the road.

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