Saturday, March 9, 2019

Copper Ladle

After four tries we finally made it to Copper Ladle. The last few times we tried to go it was closed. This place is not open on Sunday and is closed on any holiday weekend.  The more times we tried to stop here and fail the more I wanted to stop there. So this Saturday when I saw it was going to be open I created a meandering route from Etra to finally give it a try.

It was a little warmer today than the last few weeks. I had 12 other people join me. Since the Copper Ladle is only 5 miles from Etra I made a winding route that first headed out to Turkey Swamp before looping back to Millstone. It was 25 miles before we got to the stop.

The Copper Ladle was just okay. The cookies and doughnuts were good but they didn't have a lot to drink and the coffee was not great. We probably won't stop here again but it is always good to try new places because you never know when you are going to find a stop that makes an average ride better.

We did get a little over 40 miles so it was a good day. It is starting to get warmer so we should be able to expand our search for new places stop at. Hopefully we can find one better than Copper Ladle.

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