Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Is This a Bike?

The definition of what is a bike came up when I put together this contraption pictured above. My wife had a bone spur remove from her right ankle last week and can't put any weight on the foot for a few weeks. Originally I thought she would use crutches to get around but because they had to cut her achilles tendon to get to the spur the doctor recommended the knee cart as it would be safer and make it easier to get around.

Of course after I put it together I had to take it for a spin. It has wheels, handle bars and brakes so it felt a little like a bike. After testing it out on a ramp I built to be able to get up and down the three step to the kitchen and garage I realized the brakes weren't adjusted correctly. I almost took a nose dive off the ramp as I glided down it.

No problem as I had the tools and knowledge to tighten the brakes. Now that my wife has used the cart for a week I can say that it actually is a lot better than crutches. With her knee on the seat she can easily get around the house with out the fear of tripping over a crutch and falling. It is also a lot less strain on the body overall. I guess it is officially a scooter but its close enough to a bike that I will consider it a new member of my fleet. Its got wheels, handle bars and brakes and is actually kind of fun to ride.

My wife bone spur was pretty bad. The doctor said her bone spur had a bone spur and it mess up her achilles tendon pretty bad so she will be scooting around on this contraption for the next 5 weeks.

Between the rain and getting the house ready for my wife to scoot around I haven't done much riding over the past couple of weeks. Until my wife is back on her feet I will probably keep my riding shorter and local and won't be able to do any really long rides until July.

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