Saturday, May 5, 2018

Bugs in the Bonnet

We finally have some spring like weather so I have been able to get out after work and start building miles. Spring also brings the bugs back out again. For some reason during the last two years I have had a lot of bugs get stuck on my helmet. During Wednesday nights ride I had to stop twice to remove my helmet and release a bug. The second time is was a bee that almost stun me.

I knew there had to way to keep bugs out of the helmet. I thought about adding some screening to the helmet myself but found this helmet cover on ebay that is exactly what I wanted. Its a simple nylon net that easily fits over the helmet and should keep the bugs out with out blocking the normal air flow.

Today I lead a ride from Yardley to try to work on getting my hill legs back. Jack, Laura, Bob and Ken actual rode in where Ricky, Jim and I joined them. We did this route. It was a mildly hilly route. There were no real tough climbs except for a short but steep section on Holicong. It was a little busy getting out of Yardley and on a couple of short sections of 413 but most of the rides was on quiet roads.

This ride had a lot of ups and downs but nothing really long or steep and I felt a lot better than I did a couple of weeks ago so I didn't have a problem getting up the hills. It also helped that is was 70 degrees and almost no wind.

The rest stop was at Carversville which was crowded with other bikers. The way back was a little easier with a little less climbing and a 4 mile flat stretch at the end. It was a good ride in good weather and I plan to do a few more hilly rides this month to get back into hill shape.

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