Saturday, June 9, 2018

Slow Goings

At this time of the year I am usually doing longer and hillier rides but because of my wife's surgery to remove a heel spur I am limited to shorter rides close to home. My schedule has also been a little unpredictable so I am squeezing rides in when I can. Today I ended having to ride in the afternoon because of some yard work that needed to get done.

My wife's recovery is going well but slower than expected. It will be a couple of more weeks before she will be walking again and a few more weeks after that before she will be able to drive. It has been a lot of work doing all the things my wife normally does and has limited my free time to ride. I really don't mind doing all the extra work as it is a minor inconvenience compared to my wife is dealing with. You don't realize how hard it is to do normal day to day things with only one good foot. Its hard to get around the house (even with the knee cart), you can't really stand anywhere for long. Just getting out of a chair or bed is no easy task and taking a shower is a major ordeal.

My wife is dealing with it pretty well however although this is the time of year where she starts spending time at the beach so she is a little depressed that she won't be able to get to the beach until mid July.

Most of the rides I have been doing have been in the 35-45 mile range and are the routes I normally do in the winter close to home. I have been riding by myself although I do occasionally run into other rider and sometimes hang with them for a few miles. Last week I came across this turtle in the middle of the road and didn't want a car to run over it. While I was trying to figure out how to move to turtle to the other side of the road with out getting my fingers bit off, another biker came by and we grabbed a stick and pushed him into the grass. We then road together trading stories for about 5 miles.

Although I did a couple of group rides memorial day weekend I do not expect to get the insane bike posse back together until the beginning of July. Until then I will try to get what miles I can in to try and stay in somewhat reasonable shape.

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