Sunday, March 26, 2017

Ron (and Jackie) are BACK !

Like Jim I was feeling a little too sluggish to do Laura's Hill Slug ride. I wanted a very relaxed pace, a few more miles and less hills. Jack had emailed me earlier in the week looking for a slow flat ride so he joined me.

He met me at my house at 9am and the plan was to do a New Egypt run but when he got to my house he said that he had run into Jackie at the gym and that she and Ron were going to be riding out of MCP at 10am. I then changed the route and do a loop through Cranbury, where we ran into a couple of people Jack knew, and then headed back to the park .

We got to the boat house where Ron and Jackie were suppose to start just before 10am but didn't see them. Out of the corner of my eye I did see two bikers on the road heading towards the skating rink so Jack and I pursued them and once we got close enough we realized it was Ron and Jackie.

For various reasons they haven't been riding much for the past couple of years but are now getting back on the bike. This was the first ride of the year for them so they were taking it slow and were only doing a short ride. Jack and I hung out with them for about 10 miles. It was good to see them again and catch up. When we left them they said they were going to work on getting back to being able to ride with the club so we should seem them on our rides later in the season.

After Jack and I left them I improved a route that took us through Allentown and Clarksburg. We ended up with 51 miles and 1300 feet of climbing at a 15 mph average. It was about 5 miles more than my legs wanted to do but it felt good to be our on the road again and do some real miles. 

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