Sunday, April 2, 2017

Early Season Pineland Cruise

Before I talk about the ride I did today I want to tell you about a play I saw this past Wednesday. It was called "The Play That Goes WRONg". It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. It is a play within a play about an amateur troupe putting on a murder mystery play and as the title suggest everything goes horrible wrong. It is pure slapstick in the Faulty Towers/Monty Python tradition. I laughed loudly for 2 hour straight. We saw this play the week before it opened and I expect once this opens it and the review are in tickets are going to be hard to get. So if you want to see a great comedy on Broadway I suggest you get tickets soon.

Today ride was an off the books ride. I forget to put my rides in this month so I sent out an email to the usual crowd after getting an email from Laura about getting the band back together. I wanted to continue to build some miles an am not ready for any real hills so decided to do a Pineland Cruise. I moved the ride to Sunday because of wet condition on Saturday.

I had 5 of the regular join me. Laura, Joe, Peter, Jack and Chris. It was just under 50 at the start with a brisk south wind. The wind helped us get down to Browns Mill quickly. We skipped the usually stop at this Wawa as we headed through the pinelands to Vincetown were we stopped at the other Wawa.

Before the stop, we stopped at a park to use a portal potty and watch an RC helicopter do some aerobatics.

The trip back north from Vincetown was into the wind. We hit an bridge out on Smithville road but as usually we just went through it. It ended up being an easy bridge out as the bridge was actually mostly intact expect for a small piece on the left side that missing. I expect that the bridge will need a major overhaul so it may become unpassable for most of this season.

I got a little tired towards the end of the ride as we road mostly into the wind for the last 20 miles but we came in with 53 at 15.7 mph so it was a good early season ride to help build some miles.

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