Sunday, March 19, 2017

Pennypack 2017

I had a ride planned for this Saturday but decided to move it to Sunday because of the light rain. Because of the snow this past week I didn't want to ride on the road and decided to go to Pennypack park. This is my go to place when it snows because they plow the bike trail and it is a scenic place to ride.

I got Chris to join me this year. When we got to the parking lot gate it was locked so we had to park on the street. I was concerned that the path might not had been plowed because the parking lot was still full of snow but after we crossed the street and walked over a mound of snow we found the cleaned path.

However as we got further in we found that parts of the path were still covered with snow mostly in the hills in the first couple of miles. The snow that fell Tuesday was mixed with a lot of ice so I guess the plows had a problem clearing parts of the trail. This meant we had to walk up a few hills. This and a problem with Chris's bike slowed us down a little but after the first few miles the path got clearer and Chris managed to ride through his problem.

We continued on until we got to a closed bridge about 7 mile into the ride. Last year we made our way over this bridge and kept going to the Delaware but because the condition of the paths we decided to turn around.

The way back was a little easier as the snow had gotten softer but we still have to walk over a few spots. Out of the 13 miles we did we probably walked at least 2 miles. I didn't really mind as the walking as it was warm and it made it easier to take pictures.

It ended up being a shorter ride than expected but a short ride is better than not riding at all.

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