Monday, December 28, 2015

Muddy Monday

Decided to do a solo ride today since it looks like it will be raining for the next couple of days. Because of the cold I decided for a short trail ride to make sure my mountain bike is ready for the winter season. (Besides a slight seat height and rear break adjustment it worked just fine).

I started from Carnegie Lake and went up just past Rocky Hill and back. It was just over 40 degrees when I started and really didn't warm up much. It was sunny for the first time in about a week. The cloudy and rainy weather we have been having meant there were a lot of puddles to go around on the trail. Of course some times the only way over was through so I splashed some mud on me and the bike as I had to ride through some puddles that covered the whole path. 

My sun glasses were the cleanest part of me and from the waist down I was 50% mud. Despite the messy ride I do like this part of the trail as it has enough scenery to enjoy and it a little different every time.

I stopped by the dam to take the picture of the mill. This is the same shot I take almost every time I ride this trail. It looks much nicer when there is ice and snow.

I also got a picture of the lock by Kingston that had an interesting sun glint in it.

It looks like we might have one more mild day on Thursday so if the forecast holds I will probably try to organize a ride from Mercer or Etra.

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