Saturday, December 26, 2015

Ye Olde Cranbury Ride

Our families really don't exchange presents since non of us needs more stuff. Christmas, for us, is more about getting together as a family. We do exchange some little trinkets like ornaments or candy. My sister also tries to find the most horrendous cheap Christmas decoration to give to us. A few years ago she gave us a rapping snowman which dances and raps Christmas songs and is offensive on many levels. We have tried to find something to one up her but there is nothing worst than the rapping snowman. This year a plastic deer that plays Christmas songs with flashing lights was the worst thing she could find.

With Christmas over it is now time to get back to riding. Today I lead a pick up ride out of Cranbury. When I first started riding with the club I would go out of Cranbury every week because if was a close and easy ride to do and I really liked the people that rode out of there. For the past 10 years I only go to Cranbury occasionally as I tried to add more variety to my riding.

 Today I didn't have any thing in the book but the HoneyDo ride listed the C++ leader as volunteer so I sent out a email to let few people know that I would be there and hoped a few would show.

When I got there at 9am Chris and Joe were waiting for me and then Peter and another person decided to join us. We did a 45 mile loop to Millstone and back with a stop at Roy's Deli. I have not been out in a couple weeks since I had a cold last week. Because of excess of Christmas food and the lingering cold I felt a little out of shape. Still it felt good to get out.

I am off for the next week so I hope to get a couple of rides in between the forecast rain. 


  1. A C++ ride, eh? Your programmer persona is showing.

  2. Maybe, but it was a C++ ride. We averaged 15.2 so it was faster than a C+ ride and slower than our normal B ride.
