Thursday, December 31, 2015

Last Ride of 2015

I had my last ride of the year on Wednesday. I did try to invite a few others to join me but got no takers so ended up doing the ride solo. Even though it has been very warm this December it hasn't been that great to ride as when it was warm it was overcast and rainy and the few sunny days we had it was cold. Wednesday was one of those overcast days when the roads were dry enough to ride but still wet in spots. I ended up with just under 40 miles. It wasn't a great ride but I wanted to get out when I can since we are now in winter and you have to get out when you can.

Since this is the last ride of the year I looked back on my year of riding which can be summed up in one word HIGHPOINTS.

I had a theme this year to get to the high point in every county of NJ that was on a rideable road. Except for Union Essex and Hudson. which are on roads too busy to get to, we got to every other highpoint in the state. I'm still not sure this whole highpoint theme was a good idea but we did have some interesting adventures along with a couple of rides that sucked. I have included a set of links to the high point rides below in case anybody is interest in reading about our adventures. It is amazing to me that after over 20 years of riding in NJ that I am still discovering new roads and new routes.

I did some riding in Virginia and Tennessee this year and they have some good roads there too but I still think NJ has a lot of variety and good scenery to offer any type of rider.  I don't have any theme or ideas for 2016 but I'm sure I will come up with something stupid to do.

Happy New Year. See you all on the bike in 2016

Middlesex high point
Mercer County high point
Monmouth  County high point
Ocean/Burlington high points.
Salem and Cumberland high points
Somerset high point
Hunterdon high point
Camden, Atlantic, Gloucester high points 
Sussex,Warren high points
Morris, Passaic,Bergen high points
Cape May high point

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