Saturday, February 7, 2015

Tyler State Park

I have been thinking of riding in Tyler State Park since the weather turned cold. I could have went on the road with Laura and crew but it was a little below my threshold for riding on the road. It was also a chance to ride through the snow again which is one of the few benefits of riding in the winter.

Tyler State Park was one of the ride I did  for my Philadelphia book. It is a beautiful park along the Neshaminy Creek with a set of paved paths among the hills by the creek. When I mapped out this ride for the book is was the summer so it was interesting to come back in the winter. Because of the cold weather the snow we got a few weeks ago is still around. However it turns out that the plow the pave paths of the park like Pennypack so the riding was snow and ice free for the most part.

I ended up doing two loops around the park an outer and inner loop so that I could explore all the different paths.  I probably ended up doing around 15 miles. The ride was very scenic. Besides the Neshaminy Creek the park is littered with other small streams. The terrain goes between open fields and dense forest and is very rolling with a couple of actual climbs. Although I am inching to get back on the road again this was a good way to get a work out while waiting for cleaner roads and warmer temperatures.

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