Saturday, February 21, 2015

It's Fucking Cold !!!!

I know it can be cold during the winter but this year has been ridiculous. It hasn't been just below freezing cold. It has been a snot freezing, balls receding, can't feel my toes, mind going numb, oh this must be what hypothermia feels like kind of cold.

I blame Canada for all this. For years they have keep their arctic blasts mostly too themselves with only occasional intrusions to remind us how miserable it must be to live up in that barren wasteland. But this year they must have thrown that Canadian politeness out the door because they sent that arctic cold down for good. January was 3.5 degrees colder than average and February was almost 10 degrees colder than normal with a number of nights below 0 (that's 0 degrees Fahrenheit for you metric pussies)

I say screw the Keystone pipeline let's head up to Canada and light up that mother fucking tar sand. Yea it may not be the best thing to do for the environment but I could do with a little global warming right about now.

Now you may think that this rant is caused by me having cabin fever but I assure you that is not the case. Unlike the dickless beantown bastards that are jumping out of their houses into the snow (i.e. #BostonBlizzardChallenge) I am not letting the cold interfere with my normal social life. In fact I was in Red Bank last night for an amazing concert by a bunch of a capella groups. This is the second year we have gone and as it was last year we were blown  away by what talented people can do with just their voices. One performance went from a beat box ping pong match to a cheesy but extremely funny fake album commercial to a jump up and got to dance version of Bruno Mars's Uptown Funk. I wish they did more of these types of shows in our area because they are some of the best entertainment I have ever been too.

This cold weather has reduced my bike riding in fact today I was going to head back to Tyler State Park but it is too cold. This will be the second weekend in a row I will not be on the bike and I can tell by the email exchanges that most of us need some riding time. But it looks like that furry fat rodent Punxsutawney Phil was right winter is going to be around for a few more weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing at this post its too funny ....yet sad @ the same time
    I a. Sitting on my patio where the temps are mid 70's @ 6 pm.
    I did get a 38 mi ride in today. Come ride with PFW-SW FL group. Would licd to have you visit ......& ride. Forgetta about that Phil rodent!
