Sunday, March 1, 2015


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To continue my rant from last week.....

I hate those Disney douchebags. Unless you are one of those reclusive cat ladies (Laura) you are probably sick and tired of the movie Frozen and it's Let it Go theme song that is constantly being sung on some TV show. The movie Frozen made icy winter landscapes look fun and magical (and as we all know from this winter that is certainly not the case). I get that its a fantasy world meant to be the background for the story but kids, and some adults, get so wrapped up in it that they can't tell fantasy from reality. In fact some police departments have gone so far as to put out an arrest warrant for Elisa for causing this winter's massive cold and snow. All this does of course is just to feed the Disney marketing machine causing them to put more subliminal mind control voodoo in their movies to subvert our youth. 

Although it was still cold this weekend it was just warn enough to ride on Saturday. There was too much snow to try the roads so I headed back to Tyler State Park. This time I was joined by Laura, Ron and Chris.Although I had done Tyler park a couple weeks ago I didn't mind doing it again since it meant enjoying the usual disrepectful banter with each other as we ride.

We did an outer and inner loop through the park and probably ended up with around 15 miles. This past week has been very cold so all the rivers and creeks were mostly frozen over. By the end of the second loop it was still below freezing and my feet were getting cold so I decided to call it a day. We did spend some time taking about future rides and trips so I can't wait until it gets a little warmer so we can get back to our normal bike ride schedule.

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