Sunday, February 1, 2015

Scenic Rides

The calendar I got for my office this year has scenic pictures of New Jersey. New Jersey has a bad reputation and is portrayed in movies and TV as a toxic waste dump run by organized crime. I will admit that there are parts of the state especially around Elizabeth and Newark airport that are really ugly and always smell bad. However there are a lot of beautiful places in NJ once you get away from the main highways.

January's calendar picture was a waterfall by Schooley's mountain. It was similar of the on I took at Duke Farms. I usually manage to take a few good pictures on each ride so I will try to post a least one a month to show the scenic parts of NJ.

Today I went to Pennypack Park. I try to go there once a year each winter because its a pretty place to ride. Its got a paved bike path and since it is designated a bike commuter route they actually plow it when it snows. This means when there is too much snow on the roads or trails you can still ride at Pennypack.

Today's ride was nice. We had about 4 inches of snow earlier in the week and not much of it had melted yet.  This meant we road through a mostly snow covered landscape next to the Pennypack Creek. There wasn't as much snow and ice as there was last year but it was still a cool place to ride and we stopped along the way for pictures. This year Laura came along with me or I guess I went with Laura since it was an official PFW ride although not one else showed up.

This year we went a little further down the trail and made it all the way to the Delaware river. The park by the Delaware has a nice view of the river but you have to pass by a prison and what we believe is a state run mental retirement home so its a bit of a strange place.

After a picture stop at the river we headed back to the car. It was 20 mile round trip and a good way to get out in this cold weather. Although I do enjoy these types of ride I am hoping the weather warms up soon so I can get back on the road. I guess we'll see what Punxsutawney Phil has to say. His prediction is as good as any weather man these days. 

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