Sunday, July 21, 2024

Ice Cream Can Fix Any Problem

The intense heat and humidity of the last few weeks has prevented me from doing hilly rides but fortunately we had a break this Saturday and I was able to get back into the hills. Laura ended up actually leading but she used one of my routes that goes thought the Sourlands over a few good hills without being too difficult and goes toward Round Valley without going to it or up the hills around it. It was a route that I know most of the posse would be able to do and so we would get most of them to join. Here is the route we did.

You can read details about the ride at Jim's and Laura's blog. It was a good ride in the usual Tom style with multiple road closures along the way. I felt good and didn't have a problem climbing any of the hills so I will doing more hilly rides as the weather allows. 

The 50 miles and 2400 ft of climbing did catch up with me on the ride home. I cramped up about halfway home but it was right by one of my favorite ice cream places on Rt 33 so I stopped and grabbed a cone. It only took a few licks of the cone for my cramps to go away. Now it could have been the fact that I go out of the car and walked around or that the gator aid I drank when I got back from the ride finally kicked it but I'm pretty sure it was the ice cream.

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