Sunday, July 14, 2024

Dripping with Sweat

The last two weeks have been almost too hot to ride. But of course as long as it is not raining and under 100 degrees I will find a way to ride. The past Wednesday I tried to get out 7:30am so I could be back before the temperature hit 90 degrees. I didn't quite make it as the temperature increased faster than I thought. It's not really the heat that is the problem it is the combination of the heat and the humidity. About an hour into my 30 mile ride I was sweating so much that I was raining sweat all over my bike. I don't think I have ever sweated more than I did on that ride. I actually had to slow down a little at the end of the ride because the heat and humidity were getting to me. 

The good news is that I have ridden enough in the hot weather to know how to deal with it. So although I was sweating my ass off I made it back without a problem. However even when I go home in the air conditioning it took my body an hour to stop sweating. 

This Sunday I lead a ride out of Etra. We did a easy 42 mile loop with a few rolling hills. Most of the posse were off doing their own thing but I had a few of them join me along with a couple of new people. It was hot and humid like any other day of the past couple of weeks but not as bad as Wednesday. I guess I am getting acclimated to the hot weather because I didn't feel the heat as much. 

I was still dripping with sweat for the entire ride but I guess I had hydrated myself properly because I didn't have a problem keeping up with everybody and we moved along at a decent pace. Still it was a grind in the heat. We never got to death march status but I was glad when we were finished. 

This heat and humidity is making me do shorter rides so hopefully we can get a few normal day in the near future so I can do longer and more enjoyable rides.  


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