Monday, April 8, 2024

In the Path of Totality

 Success!!! With a last-minute change in plans we were able to see the total eclipse. I have a lot of more pictures and stories about the eclipse but will share those in a later post. The short story is that we ended up on a lake in Magog Quebec Canada because that is where the weather was the clearest. We were able to get a hotel on Sunday night the south of Montreal at the last minute and then headed to Magog on Monday morning. It was a beautiful and warm day, so it was a very enjoyable day by the lake as we waited for the totality. When it finally happened, it was better than expected. The sky went suddenly dark, and not only could you see the corona around the sun but there was a large solar fare that was easily visible with the naked eye. It was phenomena. The picture posted above, (which is a good picture) doesn't even come close to what we saw. It was well worth the trip to see the eclipse. We're now in a hotel in Magog and will be driving home tomorrow am glad we made the trip. I can't wait to get back home to so I can go through all photos in detail and share them with you. 

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