Sunday, April 24, 2022

Yard Work

Each season in our new home brings some new discoveries. This spring we discovered we have some flowering trees in our back yard. We have a couple of red dogwood trees and a really nice Kwanzan cherry tree

That has a rose like flower.

It brought some color to our backyard which is mostly pine trees. The spring season means things are growing again so we had to spend a couple of hours outside cleaning up the outside bushes which had been neglected. 

We do want do some more major changes to the landscaping but that will have to wait until later in the season once every thing has grown in and we know what we want to keep and what we want to remove. 

I did get a ride in this weekend. I lead a ride from Griggstown to Whitehouse Station. I didn't get a good turn out as most of the regulars had stuff to do. When I got to the parking lot no one was there. Then Pete showed up in the wrong parking lot but he eventually found his way over. Ricky showed up at 9am because he thought the ride was at 9:30am. The only person that showed up the the correct place was Ming. I doubled checked the listing and it did have the correct time (9am) and directions to the start so not sure what else I could do to make sure everybody shows up on time.

It was overcast for most of the ride. We did this route which takes us near but not around Round Valley. We stopped at the Brooklyn Deli in Whitehouse Station which is really one of the better places we stopped at. It has outside tables. Good food and a bathroom we can use. If it was closer to our normal starting points I'm sure we would go there more often. 

This was the first really hilly ride of the season for me. I plan to do some more hilly ride in the coming weeks so hopefully I can get my hill legs back.

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