Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter

It's Easter Sunday and I have no plans today. Before the pandemic we use to host Easter dinner each year. It was the one holiday we hosted. We didn't host the last two years because of the pandemic but this year we could of hosted it if any body would have come. It the past two years all the nieces and nephews are now on their own and are starting their own Easter traditions. The older members of the family have either decided to do something else or don't want to travel on Easter Sunday. 

I'm not really sad about not hosting the holiday any more as it was a lot of work that wasn't really appreciated. Although we could of have a great dinner because I found this turkey on my ride yesterday.

As we get older a lot of these holiday traditions are changing as the younger members of the family start their own traditions with their combine family. This eliminated some of the gatherings and made others smaller and simpler. I was never a big one for the holidays so this is fine with me. 

This did allow me to get in a ride this weekend. I caught a mild head cold (not Covid) early in the week but was mostly over it by the weekend. I ended up doing a ride on my own of around 50 miles. Now that the weather is getting warmer I'm starting to get some real miles as last week I lead a 50+ mile ride to Vincentown. 

This wasn't a good winter for riding for me and I have fewer miles in this year especially in the hills. I definitely feel a little slower so will be trying to ramp up the miles and hills as the weather gets warmer.

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