Tuesday, March 22, 2022


The weather is finally getting warmer and I've been able to get on the road for some longer rides. I actually took last Friday off since the weather looked good. I tried to get the retired guys of the pose join me but only Jack was available. The weather was as warm as predicted but it was a little foggy at the start. We did this route which goes towards Fort Dix then back home through Columbus.

Most of the fog burned off after about an hour or so but it was still mostly cloudy. It did warm up and was 60 degrees by the end of the ride. It was nice to ride just in tights and a long sleeve jersey. We ended up with a little over 43 miles and I felt pretty good at the end. I did want some sugar after the ride and since St Patrick's day was only a few days ago I remembered that McDonald's would probably still have a shamrock shake. I know it is just a vanilla shake with some spearmint and some whipped cream but it is really good. It's too bad you can only get it for a limited time. 

Saturday's weather was suppose to have some rain. It was one of the reasons I took Friday off. Saturday's weather ended up being a lot better than expected. I thought about riding but had some chores to do. Instead on Sunday I took a one way ride to the shore. We have not been at our condo in a couple of months so wanted to check it out to make sure it made it through all the storms we had. I have been exploring some different ways to get the the beach and decided to cut through Manasquan on a few new roads. I managed to find and interesting tree house. 

It's probably nicer than some apartments. I also stopped by the inlet to take a look. The wind was really blowing from the west which I didn't really mind as I was getting driven home. 

Usually after I get to the beach we go out for ice cream but our favorite place is closed for renovation. Hopefully it will be open the next time I go back. I ended up with 80 miles this weekend and should be able to start riding after work so now that spring is here. Hopefully I should start to make up for the miles I lost because of the cold and storms this winter.

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