Sunday, February 27, 2022

Pennypack 2022

It was another Saturday that was too cold to hit the road so I decided to take a trip to Pennypack park. It's a bit of a drive but I wanted to do something different and I hadn't been to Pennypack since 2017. At least this time there was no snow to deal with so it made riding easier. 

This year I got Laura and Ricky to join me. We started at Pine Hill Rd which is the northern end and headed down to the Delaware. The first few miles are some short but steep little hills. The trail follows Pennypack creek and so it is scenic although it is a little barren this time of year. It's much prettier with a little snow. 

When we got down to the river we found the SS Minnow in a cove next to a fixed up pier which is now covered with grass. 

We were also able to get further down the path and saw where Pennypack empties into the Delaware. There is actually a new bridge that goes over to an island but the bridge is only open in the summer. 

We did have a couple of mechanicals.  A screw came out of Ricky's cleat and made it almost impossible to get his cleat off his petal so he took the cleat off and rode without it. I also dropped my chain a couple of times on a one by which shouldn't happen. I kept it in the bigger gears and that fixed the problem but there is probably an alignment issue that needs to be addressed.

One the way back we stopped for some pictures. There is a waterfall that I always try to get a picture of. It never comes out good but I keep trying anyway. The first shot below I got photo bombed by Pennypack Devil

Here is the second one with a close up of the falls. 

One of these days I get a good picture of it. 

It was a good ride and a nice change of pace. The weather looks like it is getting warmer so hopefully I will be on the road for a real ride next week.

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