Saturday, February 5, 2022

Another Cold Ride

Snow storms and cold weather has made it almost impossible to get out for a ride. We had a few days of warm weather and rain, this week, which got rid of most of the snow. Of course then it got cold for the weekend. It was just warm enough for me on Saturday to attempt a ride. My go to place for a cold ride from my new home is Allaire state park. There is a pave path to Manasquan as well as some dirt paths and single track. 

Even though we got a small dusting of snow Friday night the path to Manasquan was mostly clear. The couple of spots with snow were crunchy and not icy. When I got to Manasquan I rode along the beach the before riding the roads along the Manasquan river to get back to the path


It was cold but I had every piece of warm weather gear I own on so I was warm enough. It was the strong west wind that made the ride painful. Still I don't like indoor trainers so I would rather deal with the cold and wind than spin on a trainer. Hopefully the weather will warm up a little so I can get longer ride in.

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