Sunday, January 30, 2022

Some Pictures for a Snowy Day

It was another cold and snowy weekend. We ended up getting some where between 15-18 inches of snow. Normally the higher snow totals are in the north and east of the state but for some reason this year the higher totals have been by the coast. 

It was very windy during the storm so there was a lot of snow drifts around including some funky one at our front door.

The only shoveling I had to do during the storm was to clear out enough room for Frisket to go out and do her business. It wasn't a lot of fun to take her out during the storm. 


It's going to be a while before I will be using the grill or sitting out on the patio


The snow does look nice in the woods behind us. But seeing the piles of snow on the street and in front of the house it's going to be around a while. Let's hope it melts enough so I can get out for a ride next weekend. 

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