Thursday, June 10, 2021

Best Sunrise Ever!


Over the years I tried my hand at getting a few good shots of sunrises and sunsets and a got a few good ones. The morning of June 10th however offered an opportunity to get a picture of a unique sunrise that my not happen again in my lifetime. In N.J. there was going to be a partial eclipse of the sun at sunrise. The weather forecast got better during the week but there was still only a 40% chance that the sky would be clear at sunrise. Still there was a chance. Since the eclipse was going to be in progress at sunrise I had to be in a place that had a clear view to the eastern horizon. I decided to sleep over at our condo in Avon so I could walk out in the morning and see the sunrise at the beach. 

When I woke up at 5am I looked out the skylight and it was still cloudy and hazy. But when I walked out to the beach the clouds were lifting and the sky was clearing. 

There was a marine layer so the horizon obscured by some clouds. The sun rose through the clouds and I could see it looked a little different.

 When the sun peaked above the low clouds the sun was a crescent instead of a circle.

 The sun eventually cleared the clouds and was fully visible. 


I got a few more pictures before the sun got too bright to take a picture without a solar filter. 


It turned out to be a reasonable clear morning so there were other people watching the eclipse.

The eclipses lasted an hour. For the first 15mins I was able to take a picture without any filters as the sun was dim as it is during a sunrise. This allowed for some cool pictures including the one at the top of post where I got lucky and got a jet trail across the sun at the same time a seagull flew by. 

As the sun rose higher I put the solar filter on the camera and caught the rest of the eclipse. 

It was a beautiful sunrise so I'm glad I made the effort to see it in person because the picture really don't convey how cool it was.

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