Monday, May 31, 2021

All Paces

 As another sign things are getting more towards normal there was an All Paces ride this Memorial Day. It was good to catch up with people I haven't seen in over a year and see that we all found a way to get through the pandemic. 

I spent about 20 mins talking to people I don't normally ride with  as we shared updates on what had happen to us over the last year or so. I didn't sign up for any of the rides so as the rides left I went out on my own with Ricky, Jack and Bob and we did a 44 mile loop to Roy's. The weather wasn't great as it was cloudy and mid 50s when we started and didn't warm up much during the ride. 

When we left the park the sun did make a brief appearance and I thought I would have to shed some layers but it quickly clouded up again so I'm glad I left the jacket on. This ride wasn't has as hilly and hard as last weeks Cocluxe ride but as the day went on it got winder and the ride got a little tougher. 

 When we stopped at Roy's Ira's group was there so I got more time to catch with a few other people. We didn't spend too long at the stop because the wind really whipped up and it got colder. My route took us through the Assumpink where they patched some of the road. It's still pretty rough in spots but the part by the big tree and the hill in Roosevelt has been paved so its a lot less of a hazard. 

Since the rest of the weekend was a washout I'm glad I got out today and go in a good long ride.

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