Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Banter


For the past two weeks I haven't been able to ride with the posse as I'm doing some work on my house to get it ready to sell (more on my impending move in a later post). 

I don't mind occasionally riding on my own but after two weeks I really wanted to get back together with the group so I sent out an invite for a ride to Vincentown. We met in Bordentown and it was good to have some other people to ride with. Since the last time we all road together all of the us who weren't already vaccinated managed our first vaccine shot. So now all of use are on our way to being fully vaccinated. Because of this I think the mood of the ride was a little lighter and there was a lot banter going back and forth. 

It was a slightly cold but sunny day and we quickly made our way south towards Vincentown. We did run into a bridge out just north of Cookstown but were able to make our way over the cut in the road by climbing over a little dirt. Of course a bridge out is nothing new on my rides. It fact the ride felt close to normal. I hope as the vaccine is available to more people the case count will finally drop to a point that we can resume most of our normal activities. 

At this time of year as the weather gets warmer and I can do longer rides I always start thinking about possible bike trips. Last year a trip or any travel wasn't safe but this year I'm hopeful there a trip our two in our future. 


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