Sunday, March 21, 2021

Volcanic Eruption

The last vacation I took was to Iceland which is one of the most interesting geological places on earth. I friended a couple of guides we meet there on Facebook and enjoy their posts as they help me remember all the cool things we saw there. If you have watched the news over the past couple of days you might have seen that there is a new volcanic eruption in Iceland. Luckily the eruption is not near any populated area and is a mild one. I have never seen a volcanic eruption live but one of the guides posted a link to a webcam of the current eruption. It is mesmerizing to watch and I spent 10-15mins watching it today in between the other things I had to do today. It is fun watching slowly change throughout the day and I'm sure will be keeping track of it over the next few weeks.

Here is the link in case you want to check it out.

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