Saturday, February 6, 2016

Snowbiking 2016

Although most of the snow melted with this weeks warm weather, Friday's wet snow made riding on the roads a little iffy. So Saturday I decided to head to Mercer County park. The 3 or 4 inches of snow we got on Friday made it perfect for riding in the at the park. A lot of the snow we got on Friday morning had melted so the main paths in the park were clear. There were still a few icy spots but nothing I couldn't ride over. The main problem I had was some flooding by the lake so I had to turn around a few times to stay on the paths further from the lake.

Its been a while since I road the mountain biking trails so it was fun riding through the snow. My mountain biking skills are average at best but they were good enough to get me through the trails and over a few trees in the middle of the trails with out falling. I spent almost 2 hours riding through the park. Its a good work out. Its a lot harder than road biking and a good way to get out a do a little different type of riding.

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