Saturday, January 30, 2016

Pennypack 2016

The trek to Pennypack park has become an annual tradition.  When there is too much snow on the ground to hit the road Pennypack is a good place to get a ride in. The parks paved bike path is a designated commuter route which means it gets plowed when it snows.

Last year I convinced Laura to join me. This year we got Ed to join us. It took a few emails to set up the logistics. Ed ended up meeting me at my house then we picked up Laura on the way to Pennypack.

We got to the park about 9:30am and were on our way about 10mins later after getting all our gear on. It was just around freezing so I was concerned about ice on the path but it was clear for the most part except over the bridges. Although we had a lot of melting this week there was still a good amount of snow on the ground. This made for a scenic ride where we stopped for the occasional picture along the way.

The first 7 miles went quick with only a closed bridge to slow us down. As most people know I haven't found a closed bridge I couldn't get around. This was the same bridge that was closed last year but this year they actually put a fence across to bridge that made it even harder to get over. You can check out Laura's blog for a picture of me climbing over the fence. 

The trail has 3 main parts. The first 7 miles gets you down to Frankford Ave. There then is a short part that gets you from Frankford to Torresdale and the last section gets you from, Torresdale to State Street and on to the Delaware river.

The section from Torresdale to State had not been plowed so although we could ride through some of the snow and clearer spots there were a few areas we had to walk over instead.

We did eventually get to the Delaware river to take in the view before heading back.

It took us about an hour to make our way back as we retraced our steps taking a few more pictures along the way. This is a very scenic ride and is different every time I do it so. It is not easy or fun to ride in the winter around here but Pennypack park is one of the places I look forward to ride when winter comes around.

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