Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Easter Cake

My wife have been hosting Easter, at our house, for the past 22 years. It is a lot of work but we have it down to a science so preparing the house and a meal for about 20 people is no big deal. Our menu is mostly Polish food like stuffed cabbage, pierogies and kielbasa although the is also a variety of other foods. The main menu is mostly the same every year but my wife tries to do something different and unique every year for dessert. The desert usually has some type of Easter theme.

This year my wife decided to make an ice cream cake that would look like an Easter garden. It started with three layers of oreo cookie klondike bars with vanilla icing in between. That was then surrounded by chocolate filled pirouline rolled wafers to form a fence around the cake. The top of the cake was covered with small chocolate chips to form the dirt for the garden then a straws were pushed through the cake to be the stems of the flowers. The flowers themselves were brownies covered in icing and various sprinkles. Lastly we added some peeps for an Easter flair.

The cake was a work of art and impressed the crowd which was what my wife was going for. Then it was time to cut the cake which we had no idea how to do. We had glued all the pieces of the cake together with so much icing and ice cream then froze it for a couple of days so it was built like a brick fort house. It took some yanking of piroulines and hacking with our biggest knife to get the cake into serving size pieces. They didn't look pretty but they tasted good. All in all the Easter holiday was a success.

Now that our holiday is over I can concentrate on biking. I took the Monday after Easter to head to the Sourlands to start working on some hills and burn off some of the winter fat. Now that it is getting warming I need to start working on distance as I have a couple long rides coming up including a metric to Belmar that I'm looking forward too.

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