Friday, March 15, 2013

Night of the Comet

In case you haven't notice it for the last month we have been getting attacked from space. First there was the meteor explosion over Russia. Then there were a couple of real close flybys by some asteroids(they came closer to the earth than the moon does). One which wasn't discovered until a few hours before is passed by. If any of these had actually hit the earth it could have taken out a major city.

This week the danger is a comet that is passing close by. If you know where to look you can see it just after sun set. I spent Thursday night at Mercer lake across from the boat house looking for the comet. The comet is not as bright as predicted so it was a little hard to find but I managed to see it and get a few pictures.

It was a very windy night so even though I had the camera on the tripod it still shook and made the picture blurry. The comet is the bright spot between the two bottom wires near the tower.

If you want to see some better pictures of the comet you can check out pictures from all over the world HERE

This won't be the last comet we see this year. Some time in November comet ISON will make it way into our skys. Although it is hard to predict a comets brightness comet ISON has the potential to be one of the brightest comets in more than a decade.

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