Thursday, January 10, 2013

Winter Exploring

This past Saturday was just a few degrees too cold and a little too windy to hit the road. I thought about taking the mountain bike to the canal but decided instead to check out a new trail that is a little closer to home. It's called the Union Transportation Trail. This trail runs from Davis Rd by the Creme Ridge golf course down to Millstream Rd just outside of New Egypt.

This trail was once the Pemberton & Hightstown Railroad. This was a short railroad line constructed in 1864 to provide dairies and farms access to the main rail road lines in Pemberton and Hightstown. The current trail is currently little less than 5 miles long but when finished it will be 8.6 and go all the way to the Assumpink. There are future plans to further extended it all the way into Hightstown.

The trail is crushed stone and pretty smooth. From the hoof prints and other debris on the trail I could tell it gets a lot of use by horses. Since this is an old rail bed it is relatively flat although if felt like a slight uphill in both directions. I spent about a hour and a half going out and back on the trail. It was a decent way to get quick ride on a cold day. I'll probably check it out again once they add a few more miles to it.

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