Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cold and Snowy

It seems like winter has finally arrived. This past week the highs didn't go much above 20 degrees and Friday night we had a dusting of snow. So in order to get some riding in I decided to take the MTB out. Chris and a few others were riding out of Mercer a 9:30 am but it was only 17 degrees at that time so I waited a couple of hours until it got a little warmer and decided to ride the canal path.

I headed over to Princeton and started the ride by Carnegie Lake. In the summer the path is a nice place for a quick trail ride along the canal. Today the coating of snow made it a little more scenic. Riding in the snow is not something you can do that often so when the conditions allow I try to get out.

I spent about a hour and a half on the path and went up to Rocky Hill and back. I took a few pictures along the way. It hovered around 25 degrees for most of the ride which is close to the my lower limit for an MTB ride. Any colder and my camel-back starts to freeze. Still if you dress right and keep moving its not too hard to stay warm. Although my feet were a little cold by the end of the ride I was warm otherwise and was glad to get out on the bike for a little while. There are a couple more months of winter ahead so you have to get out when you can.

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