Saturday, January 17, 2009

Now its getting Cold!

It's been a while since I posted because I really have nothing to say. It just been too cold to ride or even go out and take pictures. I was happy a couple of weeks ago to get out for a few hour on the road. It was 35 degrees with no wind so it was cold but ridable. The last couple of weeks have been low 20s so I haven't even considered riding.

This morning it was in the SINGLE digit, meaning it was actually 1 degree. I have skied in tempertures this low and its not fun even if your dressed for it. I can't image trying to bike in it.

I have been watching the Hill Slug Chronicles with some envy as it seems that even in this cold weather they are riding and having some fun. I don't have the cold weather gear or mountain bike to join them but if the cold weather continues to keep me off the road I may consider it.


Our Lady of Perpetual Headwinds said...

Hey, Tom, you should get a mountain bike and join us!

Mike said...

Tom, Splurge... Go out and spend a dollar on some handwarmers. As soon as we get in the hills and start climbing, the temperature doesn't matter.