Sunday, September 22, 2024

NY Safari

Click HERE for more Safari Pictures

For the first time since COVID hit I actually had an in person meeting with a number of people that I work with all over the world. I have occasionally been to the office over the past couple of years to meet with my manager and some other architects but this was the first time that the company flew people in from other parts of the world. There were around 20 of us in a conference room for a couple of days working on some new products. It was grueling 10 hours days of discussion but I made some good contacts and have some follow on work that will be interesting. I also got a chance to see a quantum computer. Here is a picture of the insides.


You need an advance degree in physics to understand how it works. I doubt there will be a desktop version anytime soon since it needs a supply of liquid nitrogen to keep it cold enough to work.

The meeting was in New York by Bear Mountain. I had to drive up the day before so on my way I spent a day at the Bronx Zoo. I hadn't been there in at least 20 years so thought it was time to go back. It's a big zoo and has a lot of different animals. They have 3 different area's for birds.

I spent a lot of time looking at them and taking pictures as they have so many different types.

They also have a butterfly garden that had hundreds of different butterflies. I manage to take a few good pictures of them.


One of my favorite things was the budgie house. They are basically little parakeets. You get a stick with some seed on them and then you hold them out and the birds come and eat off them. 


They are very cute and friendly. 

The last exhibit I checked out was the gorilla area. It's a large 13 acre exhibit where you walk down a path with glass on both sides and see the different gorillas. The have a few different types and it was fun to just sit there and watch them.

One of these days I would like to go out on a real safari but the Bronx Zoo was an easy way to go see some cool animals. You can click on the link at the top of the post to see all my pictures from the zoo.

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