Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Summer Inferno

We have officially entered the hazy, hot and humid part of the riding season. Last weekend I started my ride at 8am to beat the 90+ heat. We did an easy flat ride to Pemberton and got back before noon. It was already 93 degrees when we got back and very humid so I'm glad we started early. I'm still not use to the summer heat so although I felt okay during the ride it took me a while to recover and get re-hydrated. 

This Saturday the temperature was only in the mid 80s but it still was one of those days where the humidity felt like it was over 100%. I wanted to do some hills but couldn't find a ride that I wanted to do. Laura had a ride out of Pennington that I considered but it was a littler hillier than I could handle. So what I did was to start out with her ride and then when they headed up Mine Rd I left then and continued on my own. My route was a few hundred feet and a few miles shorter than what she had planned and was at the limit of what I wanted to do.  

Even early in the morning it felt hot and I was sweating profusely as I climbed up Stony Brook. I worked my way over the Sourland and up Van Lieus Rd where I found a bridge out because there always have to be one on my rides.

From there I worked my way to Sergentville for a welcome stop at the Covered Bridge Cafe which is now the best place to stop in Sergentville. Especially because there are rocking chairs on the porch to relax in.

Although it was mostly cloudy the sun came out a few times which made it feel even hotter as I worked my way up a few hills on my way back to the starting point. 

I didn't cramp or having any problems finishing the ride. I still felt slow on the hills but came in at a reasonable pace. I definitely felt the strain of the hills, heat and humidity at the end of the ride.

I'm sure there will be more days ahead with 90+ degree temps and high humidity but will do the best I can to ride through it.

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