Sunday, October 30, 2022

My Trusty Baja

It takes more than just a bike to enjoy cycling. There are also all the other equipment like shoes, shorts, gloves, helmets, etc that helps you ride in a safe and comfortable way. Then of course there is the car that get you to and from all your rides. Twenty years ago I needed a new car after the transmission on my 16 year old Ford Ranger blew up. At the time I was doing a lot of home improvement on my house so wanted a replacement that could haul stuff but still be fun and economical to drive. 

The Subaru Baja was exactly what I needed. It is a mini pickup with just enough room to haul the stuff I need but still small enough to get decent gas mileage and handle well. It has some unique features that make it very flexible. One of the best ones is that the rear seat folds down AND there is a door that opens up from the rear seat to the pickup bed. This allows me to fix long pieces of wood in the car without a problem. The car has more hauling room than it looks. I once got an entire disassembled 6x8 shed in the car. 

I have haul a lot of things with the car from 15 yards of mulch to all kinds of furniture and the most importantly my bikes. I built a rack for the back and that along with the tailgate extender allows me to carry from 1 to 3 bikes easily. If I got a roof rack I could carry even more. 

The car is very comfortable to drive and fits me well. After 20 years I still enjoy driving it. Almost every bike trip I have taken, the Baja has gotten me, my bikes and all my luggage there. The car has been very reliable like all Subaru's are. I did need some engine work a couple of months ago after a spark plug flew out the side of the engine but it was easily repaired. 

The car does not look 20 years old and is still in good shape. I have no yearning for a new car yet so I hope the Baja keeps going because I can't think of another car that fits my need better than my Baja.

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