Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Scenes from Cape Cod

It has been over 2 years since my wife and I have had a real vacation. Between the pandemic and last years move there just wasn't time or desire to take a vacation. So now that things have settled down we decided to take an extended weekend trip to one of our favorite place to go and relax, Cape Cod.

My wife and I have been coming to Cape Cod for 30 years so we know our way around and have a set of favorite places to go. My wife loves the beach so we spend most of our days here just relaxing on the beach. 

I'm not much of a beach person but do enjoy it from time to time as a way to de stress and take in the sounds and sights of the ocean which can be calming.

There are a lot of scenic views on the Cape and I managed to capture a few good sunset pictures.

The actual sunset and full moon rise occurred at the same time so right after the sunset I got some cool moon rise pictures. There was some upper level smoke from the California wild fires so the moon was blood red.

This may be the best full moon picture I have gotten so far.

I did manage to get manage to get a bike ride in. We did a 57 mile ride up to Provincetown. Part of the ride was on the Cape Cod rail trail but a lot of it was on roads along the ocean and bay so we got some good views of the ocean and dunes and stopped at a few lighthouses along the way. 

There was of course a bridge out along the way because no matter where I ride I can always find one. 

I have been to Cape Cod a lot over the years and it was a good place to come to recover from the hectic pace and stress of life. I'm glad we finally got to go on vacation and hope we can do more of these trips in the future.

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