Sunday, August 14, 2022

Cooling Down a Bit

It's been a hectic couple of weeks for me as my Baja decided to shoot a spark plug out of it's cylinder head. When it happen I thought I might need a new engine or car but it was not as bad as initially thought. They did have to lift the engine out and re-thread the cylinder head, which was not exactly cheap, but the Baja still lives and should have many more good years in it. 

We also had some construction at the house where we had a sliding door and some windows replaced which had me doing some spackling and painting. This along with some long days at work has not given me much free time. I have been biking but mostly from my house by myself as I didn't have the Baja to get me to a ride.

That why is was nice this week to connect with the posse again. Laura had her ride to Belmar where people get to choose the distance they want to ride. From 100 miles from her house to 68 miles from Etra. I chose none of the above as her first rest stop for the ride is about 7 miles from my house. So I rode in and met them there and followed them to Belmar and about half way back until I broke off for home and ended up with a respectable 53 mile ride. 

It helped that the heat wave we have had for the past couple of weeks broke and we had a day in the upper 70s with low humidity and not much wind. It was a perfect day for being outside and at the stop in Belmar it was as crowded as you would expect on a perfect beach day.

I'm always a little concerned riding into and out of Belmar on a Saturday as the streets are crowed with cars and people but even though we were a big group of 12 we didn't have a problem navigating the congestion. 

It was a good day for a ride and as we are moving toward the end of August the weather should be cooling off a little. Also with my house projects over and the Baja back in service I should have more time to do some more fun and interesting rides.

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