Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Fourth of July Fireworks


Being born on the fourth of July means that you are associated with fireworks. I have seen a lot of different firework shows both small and large on my birthday. This year for my birthday I decided to go see a big firework show for my milestone birthday. So on July 4th we headed down to Camden to see the Philadelphia fireworks from the Battleship NJ. We went for the VIP package so we got some food and drink and a place to sit on the upper deck. It was little tough finding a parking spot as thousands of people were heading to the river to see the fireworks. 

Once we got on the ship we had a comfortable seat at a table with a couple of my wife's friends. We also got some food and drink as we watched the sunset over Philadelphia.

And then watched day turn into night. 

The barge in the picture was where the fireworks were launched from so it was really close.

Once the fireworks started we had a front row view to the show which was worth the price of admission. 

There was a good variety of fireworks. 

Some were so close and large that they filled the entire wide angle view of my camera.

Others were so bright that they turned night into day.

Besides being a visual spectacular it was also an audio assault you felt the sound of the fireworks in you chest and heard them reverberate off the buildings on both sides of the rivers.

The show lasted for almost a half hour.  It ended with a finale with more fireworks per second than I could count. It was definitely one of the best shows I have seen in a long time but it wasn't quite over. After the show the Battleship NJ fires off six rounds of its "small" 5 inch gun which gave us an idea of how loud and violent a battle at sea would have been. 

It took a little while to get out of Camden and home so it was a late night but it was a memorable way to celebrate my birthday.

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