Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Lunar Eclipse


On Sunday night there was a lunar eclipse. Despite predictions of overcast and cloudy weather there were a few clear stretches that allowed me to get a few pictures of the eclipse. Even when the clouds cleared there was still a lot of water vapor in the air so the view was still hazy. I managed to get a close up pictures of the moon. One right before the total eclipse.

And a couple after the full eclipse started.

Because of the conditions these aren't great pictures but I'm glad I did get a chance to see part of it. Each lunar eclipse is a little different. This was the darkest moon I have seen during a lunar eclipse. It was almost hard to see. That was probably because of the conditions. A little after midnight the clouds started to close in so I didn't get to see the rest of the eclipse. The next one will be November 7. Hopefully the conditions will be better.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures Tom glad you were able to see it.
