Sunday, January 9, 2022

Winter Wonderland

I wasn't able to ride this weekend because of the snow we got on Thursday night into Friday. We ended up with about 6 inches of snow. I will sometimes try and ride on some of the paths if there are only a couple of inches of snow but the snow from this storm was too deep to try that. 

Instead I ended up walking around the neighborhood and golf course. This streets of this community are very quite with almost no traffic so it is very safe to walk on streets and side walk. The community did a good job clearing the snow so the streets, walks and driveways so there was little to no ice to slip on. This is the first snow at the new house. Because snow removal is part of our maintenance fee I didn't have to worry about shoveling the walk or driveway.

Although I would have rather been riding this weekend it was interesting to walk around the neighborhood. It is a big place so I'm still learning my way around and finding some of the more scenic spots.

I'm sure this will be the first of may walks around my community as it is an easy way to get some exercise in when it is too snowy to bike and another advantage of moving into a community.

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